At the Fillmore County Board’s August 23 meeting, commissioners directed County Administrator Bobbie Hillery to look for cost savings to trim the county’s preliminary 2023 budget. Early budget numbers register a possible double digit percent increase in the levy.
For several weeks now, each department head has provided preliminary numbers for 2023. This day several budgets were reviewed, including the sizable Social Services and Highway budgets. Budgets reflect a possible 4½% cost of living increase for employees. Commissioners asked that the estimated 12% increase in the levy be pared down to 4-5% or less. The board will consider approval of the preliminary budget later in September.
Lisa Dierks, University of Minnesota regional director of Extensions, requested a total extension office budget of about $135,000, which includes $7,373 for a summer intern for 2023. Katie Drewitz, Extension educator for Fillmore and Houston Counties, spelled out the benefits of expanding the program to include a summer intern.
Mindy Williamson, SWCD administrative assistant, requested its annual allocation in the amount of $230,000; this is an increase of $10,000 over 2022.
Chris Hahn, EDA director, after presenting the EDA proposed budget for 2023, presented an appropriation request for the Bluff County Collaborative (BCC). The BCC has been in operation since 2017. The goal of the program is to engage students from seventh grade through graduation in area schools to create interest for future employment opportunities and careers with southeast Minnesota employers. Workforce Development, Inc. acts as the fiscal agent for the BCC. The $1,500 appropriation request for 2023 will be considered along with other appropriation requests at a later date. Hahn made it clear that money from the county appropriation will be spent in Fillmore County.
County Engineer Ron Gregg reviewed the Highway budgets and Surveyor budget. Gregg detailed the 2023 construction program, which includes reconstruction of CSAH 1 in Spring Valley, four overlay projects, concrete surfacing in Lanesboro, microsurfacing of CSAH 18 and 23 and CR 115, and shoulder repair on CSAH 21. Five culverts and one bridge replacement are also scheduled. These construction projects are estimated to cost a total of $11,611,452. Pam Schroeder reviewed the Airport budget which will reflect the construction activity made possible with a huge influx of federal dollars. The county share for the improvements will be about $90,000.
Jessica Erickson, director of nursing; Diane Olson, lead fiscal officer (Social Services); and Jason Marquardt, Veteran Services officer, presented the 2023 Community Services budgets. The overall preliminary levy increase for human services is under 7%.
Other business in brief
•Bruce Schwartzman, BKV Group, introduced Pete Filippi, Contegrity Group/construction management. Filippi said his business was started in 2006. They work in out-state Minnesota and have worked with many counties in Minnesota. Schwartzman has encouraged the board to work with a construction manager on the proposed jail project.
Schwartzman noted prices are all over the map. Commissioner Duane Bakke asked if the cost estimate for the jail remodel/addition could be lower if they started from the ground up as opposed to remodeling the existing building along with building a new structure. Schwartzman assured him that the lowest cost overall includes reusing the existing facility. He said they were looking at alternatives to minimize the increased costs of the project.
•Auditor/Treasurer Christy Smith presented August 9 primary election statistics. Twenty-nine percent of eligible voters, or 3,930 people, voted on August 9 which included the 1st district congressional election.
•Vonda Budde was appointed to serve on the Bluff Country HRA (Housing and Redevelopment Authority) Committee.
•Brady Meyer was hired as a part-time jailer.
•Minnesota Counties Intergovernmental Trust (MCIT) sent a one-time distribution in the amount of $87,514 to the county. The Minnesota Workers’ compensation Reinsurance Association (a non-profit) sent a special distribution on behalf of its members as a result of better-than-expected investment returns and favorable claims experience. The board decided to deposit the funds in Infrastructure Funds and earmark about $60,000 for the Fillmore County fuel system (removal of existing Highway fuel tank and purchase of a new fuel tank).
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