Councilmembers in attendance included Mayor Jeff Adamson, Emily Burrichter, Mitch Lange, and Doug Meyer. Absent was Councilmember Mitch Luttchens. Staff in attendance: City Clerk, Steve Schuldt. Guests in attendance: Larry Nieling, local business owner; and Charlene Selbee, Fillmore County Journal.
Mayor Jeff Adamson called the January 12, 2021, regular meeting of the Eitzen City Council to order at 7:05 p.m.
City Clerk Steve Schuldt conducted the swearing-in ceremony for two of the city’s re-elected officials, Mayor Jeff Adamson and Councilman Mitch Lange.
Minutes of the last city council meeting, December 8, 2020, were unanimously approved.
After a careful review of the financial reports, the council unanimously approved the statements.
Unfinished business
Mayor Adamson read a thank you from the Tom Wiebke family for the flowers.
New business
Eitzen City Council appointments were approved as follows: Steve Schuldt, clerk; Joan Breeser, treasurer; Darryl Meyer, City Maintenance, Water & Sewer operator; Mitch Luttchens, deputy mayor, Buildings & Grounds; Mitch Lane, Electric, Streets & Weed inspector; Doug Meyer, Water & Sewer back-up; Emily Burrichter, Board of Health, Hazard Mitigation, Civil Defense; Mitch Luttchens, Local Board of Appeal and Equalization; Official Newspaper, Caledonia Argus; Official Depository of Funds, ESB Banking; and City of Eitzen Attorney, Mike Murphy.
The council approved the Minnesota Department of Revenue’s Local Board of Appeal and Equalization (LBAE) for 2021. Councilmember Luttchens’ term expires on July 1, 2023.
The council unanimously approved Gators’ Bar & Grill tobacco license.
The council unanimously approved the increased Houston County solid waste fees. The increase brings the fees to $1,440.00 per quarter.
Being the first meeting of the year, there was not a lot to report. The council was advised of the power line cut-out replacement.
After reviewing the December claims payable, the council unanimously approved paying the December bills.
Mayor Adamson called to adjourn possibly the shortest city meeting in recent history at 7:25 p.m. The motion was unanimously approved.
The next regular meeting of the Eitzen City Council is Tuesday, February 9, 2021, at 7 p.m., Eitzen City Hall (next to the fire station), 202 East Main Street, Eitzen. Contact Steve Schuldt, City Clerk at (507) 495-3017 or Office hours are Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.
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