The Eitzen City Council met in regular session on Tuesday, February 8, 2022, from 6:04-6:34 p.m. at the Eitzen City Hall.
Mayor Jeffrey Adamson and council members Mitch Lange, Doug Meyer, and Mitch Luttchens were all in attendance. Councilwoman Emily Burrichter arrived at 6:24 p.m. Others in attendance were Darryl Meyer, maintenance, and Steve Schuldt, city clerk.
The council unanimously approved the January 18, 2022, city council meeting minutes.
The council unanimously approved the financial report. Mayor Adamson mentioned that the city does not charge Eitzen city residents a rental fee to use the community center for wakes and funerals. The Mayor said that some years ago the council approved sending flowers to the family of Eitzen residents that had passed noting, “This is something a small town can do but would not be possible for a city the size of like Rochester to do.”
Councilmember Luttchens was asked about the well payment. He explained that the annual payment is due in either July or August but this year the bank mistakenly sent the bill out at the beginning of the year. Schuldt confirmed that the invoice has been paid. Luttchens said that the bank can reimburse the town if necessary. Both Schuldt and Mayor Adamson said that was not necessary. It was noted that the balance on the loan is $55,000 and is scheduled to be paid off in a couple of years. “Only two more payments left.”
Unfinished business
The plan for the $13,605.64 American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds is to purchase generators for the well house, fire station, and city hall. The town continues to investigate the cost of the generators. Mayor Adamson also mentioned that he had an idea to use the funds to replace the existing water and electric meters with smart meters which he believes can be purchased with ARPA funds.
The city is looking at purchasing a Dell computer from Office Depot for the office.
New Business
Well number three is back up and running. With a grin on his face Meyer said, “The well stops nice and slow and starts nice and slow.”
Jackie’s space at the community center is now empty. Mayor Adamson said, “We need to get a blueprint of sorts to know where the wires and pipes are located. After tonight’s meeting let’s walk over and tour the community center.”
Without any discussion or questions, the council unanimously approved Gator’s Bar tobacco license application.
The city is looking into the possibility of replacing the current electric and water meters with smart meters. The council estimates that there are approximately 140 meters to replace with some of them dating back to 1960. Meyer spoke up, “Some companies will not even talk to us if we do not have at least 500 meters.” It was suggested that the town purchase the meters and find someone licensed to install them. It is important that both the water and electric meters talk to each other. The mayor mentioned, “Another option would be to look at installing more reliable meters. So how much are we losing?”
The council agreed that it is nice to see the sheriff’s deputy going around and checking the doors of businesses in Eitzen to make sure they are locked.
The council unanimously approved the January bills.
The next regular meeting of the Eitzen City Council is Tuesday, March 8, at 6 p.m., Eitzen City Hall (next to the fire station), 202 East Main Street, Eitzen. Contact Steve Schuldt, city clerk, at (507) 495-3017 or Office hours are Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.
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