Frustrated after hearing about the cost to replace the controls at the town’s wellhouse and the five lift stations, Eitzen Councilwoman Emily Burrichter wondered out loud how to get residents to understand that flushing wipes down the toilet are costing the town thousands of dollars. Discussion took place at the town’s December 12 city council meeting,
The council heard two presentations. The first speaker was Mark Weikert with the Minnesota Rural Water Association, a Federally funded USDA program. The council approved accepting the offer from the Minnesota Rural Water Association to conduct an asset management assessment for the town as well as help the operator with training, GIS and soil analysis, cybersecurity, looking for and writing grants for potential city projects, as well as many other projects at no cost to the city. Eitzen is one of five towns that the association is working with over the next year. Weikert is also working with Brownsville.
The city invited Willie Hoskins of Hoskins Electric to explain the work required to make the necessary upgrades to the city’s lift stations, the repeaters, and the well-house control panel modifications. The quote submitted by Hoskins includes two of the town’s three lift stations as well as the wellhouse. Hoskins emphasized that the control panel at the well-house is “old, outdated, and not supported anymore.” The board tabled the discussion until Eitzen Maintenance Supervisor Darryl Meyer has an opportunity to talk with Weikert about possible grants to cover the project costs.
Mayor Jeff Adamson called the meeting to order at 6 p.m. All council members were present – Mayor Adamson, Emily Burrichter, Mitch Lange, Mitch Luttchens and Doug Meyer. The meeting agenda, minutes from the November 14 council meeting and the November financial reports were approved as presented.
The mayor informed the council that the city has not received the pivot wheel quotes yet.
The electric meter at the Habitat for Humanity house has been installed, and the windows were boarded up after last month’s meeting.
The council unanimously approved the levy at 2%, which equates to a $126,000 increase.
In other business, the board:
• Agreed that the city would not accept credit and debit cards at city hall because of the limited number of requests the city receives;
• Unanimously agreed that the Local Board of Appeal and Equalization meeting should continue to be held in Eitzen;
• Agreed that the city should shut off Randy Meiners’ water at the shed because he doesn’t want water and does not use it; thus, saving him $20 a month;
• Approved paying the bills;
• Adjourned the meeting at 7:02 p.m.
The next regular meeting of the Eitzen City Council meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, January 9, at 6 p.m. The meeting is in city hall (next to the fire station) at 202 East Main Street, Eitzen, Minn. The public is invited to attend. Contact Steve Schuldt, City Clerk, at (507) 495-3017 or Office hours are Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.
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