At the November 22 meeting of the Fillmore County Board, three bids were considered for construction of a highway department storage building at the Chatfield location.
The lowest bid submitted by Swartzentruber Construction LLC in the amount of $562,725.31 was accepted as recommended by county engineer Ron Gregg. This amount is still higher than the $500,000 now set aside for construction of the building. Gregg said he was confident that the difference of $62,725.31 can be made up internally using other highway funds, for example, building maintenance funds.
The county had initially bid the construction of this building last spring. Only one bid had been received, which was submitted by Swartzentruber Construction in the amount of $645,386.31. It was rejected as there was only $400,000 set aside for the building at that time. The project has been downsized, as the current bid is for a four-bay building instead of a five-bay building with a few other changes being made to reduce the cost.
Two bids had been submitted for a bridge replacement project in Arendahl Township. The low bid from ICON Constructors LLC in the amount of $557,462.16 was accepted. The engineer’s estimate for the project was $570,903.00.
Fillmore County Airport
Gregg reported that seven bids have been received for the 2022 Airport Terminal Building project. The Fillmore County Airport was awarded an Airport Terminals Program (ATP) grant through the 2021 Bipartisan Infrastructure Law this last summer. The budget available is about $1million from that source (local share of $46,124.38).
Short Elliot Hendrickson, Inc. (SEH) recommended the lowest base bid submitted by Wieser Brothers General Contractor Inc. in the amount of $1,163,050.48 be awarded by the county board. The total estimated project costs including the base bid, engineering (SEH), construction and administration (SEH), and estimated Fillmore County administration will total about $1,423,250.48.
Melissa Underwood, project manager with SEH, reviewed other funding sources including an Airport Improvement Grant (AIG) which requires a 10% local match, or $43,336.65. Certain costs are ineligible for federal funds including mechanical room, covered walkway, and eating area improvements (about 6.9% of total cost). She estimated the local share along with the ineligible portions could total $156,857.40. She said they are looking at other grant options to maybe bring the local cost share down.
Gregg noted there is about $100,000 in a special fund for the airport and another $50,000 has been budgeted for the airport in the 2023 budget. The board awarded the 2022 Airport Terminal Building project to Wieser Brothers General Contractor, Inc. contingent upon receipt of the FAA grant and disadvantaged business enterprises (DBE) participation as recommended by SEH, Inc.
The county entered into a Construction Administration Work Order with SEH, Inc. for the Terminal Building project. The document had been reviewed by FAA. The board approved the submission of a grant application to the FAA for the Terminal Building project.
At the board’s last meeting the T Hangar Rental Lease Agreement was discussed. A slightly revised agreement was approved this day.
Lastly, the board approved a request to reduce the T Hangar retainage with Everstrong Construction to 1%. Gregg said the 1% retainage is being held to make sure finish work is complete, due to late season seeding.
Other business in brief
•Sheila Kiscaden, speaking in her role as Southeast Minnesota Together co-chair, asked Fillmore County to host a regional planning effort to create a Transit Management Organization. She spoke during the Citizens Input portion of the meeting. Potential funding sources, like the Rural Development Grant, require certain census tracts which include an area outside of Albert Lea and most of Fillmore County. She said they need to get funding and to do planning. She insisted this is in a very preliminary stage, “We are looking to get a technical assistant to scope things out. We are working with cities to coordinate transit in the region.” She stressed it will not obligate the county financially nor will the county be obligated to a long-term commitment. The board later amended the agenda. The board voted to sign a letter of interest/intent to submit a formal proposal as requested by Kiscaden.
•The board approved a restructuring of Social Services. County Administrator Bobbie Hillery said she and Social Services Manager Wanda Berg agreed on the restructuring proposal. The current Social Services supervisor Wendy Ebner is retiring as of December 30. Rather than hiring a replacement they proposed elevating three social workers each to a lead position in one of three areas: adult protection, child protection, and income maintenance eligibility. There will be one less employee and those in lead positions will be getting a grade increase. The proposed structure was approved as presented. Each of the proposed lead positions will be sent to David Drown for evaluation.
•Riley Buley introduced himself to the board. He is the new Soil and Water Conservation District administrator.
•The resignation of Deputy Jessy Betts was approved with thanks after nine years of service, effective November 29. Deputy Jackson Rindels will be moved from part-time to full-time.
•Approval was given to hire Chad Rasmussen and Tyler Mack as part-time jailers, effective November 23.
•Approval was given to hire Tristen Chiglo as a full-time jailer, effective November 23.
•Approval was given to hire Melissa Valentine and Domingo Kingsley as part-time dispatchers, effective November 28.
•The board’s next meeting will be held on December 13 at 3 p.m. The Truth in Taxation hearing begins at 6 p.m. on December 13.
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