On December 11, the last scheduled meeting of the Chatfield City Council in 2023, councilors worked their way through a lengthy agenda.
During the Truth in Taxation public hearing, City Administrator Michele Peterson noted the cost drivers which included escalating equipment prices, technology security, insurance, and inflation. She broke down the distribution of property taxes payable by residents into four areas which included county (21.11%), school (24.36%), city (53.03%), and other (1.50%).
The portion of the dollar cost of services provided by the city were broken down as follows: public safety (20.72%), public works (20.52%), administration/other (14.28%), arts/culture/library (12.00%), debt service (26.62%), and planning/development (5.86%).
There will be a 15% increase in water rates. The first consideration of an amended fee schedule for 2024 was approved. The only change in the fee schedule is water rates.
The city’s tax rate has been falling over the past three years, 86.5% for 2024. The debt per capita is at $4,150 which is higher than the city’s target of $3,500 or less.
A resolution was adopted certifying the final budget and property tax levy for taxes payable in 2024. The total levy for 2024 is $2,588,325 or a 5.857% ($143,217) increase over 2023.
Hilltop Estates
Fourth Subdivision
City Engineer Craig Britton noted the plat proposal submitted by G-Cubed Develpment will be known as Hilltop Estates Fourth Addition. It encompasses 3.02 acres located east of the intersection of Hillside Dr. SE and Wisdom Lane, south of the Hilltop Lane SE cul-de-sac, along the extension of Wisdom Ct. SE. The developer wants it to be subdivided into six single-family home lots. The property is in the R-1 zoning district.
The Planning Commission held a public hearing on December 4 for the preliminary plat and recommended approval with three conditions: a turn-around must be approved by the city engineer and public works staff, sidewalk must be put in as shown on the preliminary plat and it must adhere to the approved development agreement.
The preliminary plat was approved as recommended by the Planning Commission. During a hearing for approval of the final plat, discussion about the second required condition regarding sidewalks was debated. Councilor Josh Broadwater explained the sidewalk condition was discussed thoroughly in the committee meeting. There had been message sent from the developer requesting that the council’s consideration of the final plat and development agreement be tabled this day. But this is the last city council meeting in 2023 and the intention was to get the plat recorded before the end of 2023. Chris Giesen, EDA, suggested a portion of the development agreement could be amended at a later date, if requested by the developer. Broadwater said he was in favor of approving it as it is right now.
Tiffany Howard, the only one from the public to comment, suggested it will be easier to approve the initial agreement and amend it later if need be.
City Attorney Fred Suhler conceded the plat will stay the same, even if the development agreement were to be amended. The final plat was unanimously approved with the three conditions.
Giesen recommended approval of the development agreement between Chatfield Hilltop Estates LLC (Geoffrey Griffin) and the city and to authorize the recording of the agreement on the associated property with the county recorder. No financial assistance is requested for this project. The development agreement was unanimously approved as recommended by city staff.
Other Business in Brief
•Giesen explained the city has been working with Southeast Minnesota Together and its fiscal host Southeast Service Cooperative on the regional transit management organization study project. The city has agreed to be the fiscal host for a state appropriation in the amount of $350,000 to fund the transportation study.
•Approvals were granted authorizing a contract between the state and the city of Chatfield, for a memorandum of understanding between the city and Southeast Service Cooperative/Transit Management Organization project group, and for the project scope of work. The project group will pay an administrative fee in the amount of $7,500 to the city.
•Pay application #5 submitted by Griffin Construction in the amount of $110,142.93 was approved for work completed in November. The majority of work on the 2023 Street Improvement Project has been completed. Remaining work includes cleanup and the final lift of bituminous pavement to be completed in the spring.
•Approval was granted for sewer repairs needed near 411 Main St. N. Sewer backups have occurred; the problem has been identified as partially due to grease/roots. A quote from Griffin Construction in the amount of $24,674 to do the work needed to replace pipe was accepted.
•Authorization for city attorney Suhler to draft an amendment to Section 113-291 of the city’s zoning ordinance was approved. The amendment will clarify rules regulating residential metal roofing and siding.
•Approval was granted to make a request to Olmsted County for a building code enforcement and inspection contract for review and adoption starting in January 2024.
•An EDA proposed program to provide a $10,000 cash rebate to the first six buyers of newly constructed homes in 2024 to encourage new home development failed to get enough votes to pass. The vote was two for (Novotny and Broadwater) and three against (Bluhm, Urban, and Frank).
•Approval was given for a memorandum of understanding for several regional fire departments to apply for a 2024 Assistance to Firefighters Grant. The grant request for Chatfield is $145,664.06 with a local cost share of $13,242.19. A resolution was adopted authorizing the acceptance of a FEMA Assistance to Firefighters Grant, should the application be successful.
Luke Thieke proposed and received approval to use a portion of state aid to add a remote forestry nozzle to a truck to get it prepared for spring grass fires. The estimated cost is $20,000.
•Kay Wangen informed councilors of updates recommended for the finance policies as part of the annual review process.
•The Personnel Policy was approved with the exception of one point under Article 12 Leaves of Absence. The intention was to work through the financial costs of this one point before the end of the year.
•The Data Practices policy was approved as recommended by staff.
•The resignation of Adam Taylor, first officer, was accepted.
•The retirement of Chandler Erickson from the fire department was accepted.
•A resolution appointing fire department officers for 2024 was approved.
•A contract with Damon Lueck for consulting services as Chatfield television seasonal event coordinator for girls basketball was approved.
•The next scheduled meeting of the city council will be on January 8.
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