At the October 25 meeting of the Chatfield City Council City Engineer Craig Britton reviewed the proposal for 2022 water projects. Councilor Paul Novotny was absent.
Britton said the proposal is for the provision of design and construction administration for the proposed Capital Improvement Project. Services include design, advertising/bidding assistance, construction management and construction observation services. Widseth and KLM Engineering, Inc. will provide these services. The estimated total cost of the services is $203,060. Preliminary plans are to be completed within 60 days.
Six projects are to be grouped together into one contract. Projects include reconditioning of Old Territorial Tank (100,000 gallon), concrete structural repair of Old Territorial Concrete Ground Reservoir (300,000 gallon), reconditioning of South Reservoir (200,000 gallon), installation of variable frequency driver in Well #2, installation of Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) in wells #2 and #3, and installation of generators at Well #2 and Booster Pump Station (Hillside Dr.).
The authorization to prepare plans and specifications for the 2022 Water Improvement Project was approved.
Other business in brief
•Brian Burkholder recommended the promotion of Mitch Irish to senior maintenance worker/assistant wastewater operator, effective November 6. Burkholder noted Irish has a Class D license and good knowledge. He is taking on more responsibility with street maintenance. Burkholder expects Irish will get his Class B wastewater license in the near future. Councilor Mike Urban said the Personnel Committee couldn’t agree more on the proposed promotion. A motion for the classification upgrade and new position was approved.
•Burkholder described some of the uses for a new MDS Ultra Grip Grapple including moving logs, brush, and compost. It is to be installed on a new John Deere loader bucket. Approval was given to purchase the grapple as recommended at a cost of $8,300.
•Beth Carlson earned the designation of Master Municipal Clerk, which was awarded by the International Institute of Municipal Clerks. Young congratulated her on reaching this highest designation.
•The first consideration of Ordinance #457, 2022 fees, was approved. Increased fees for copying and printing, some swimming pool memberships and lessons, some water rates, and alcohol licenses in 2022 are included.
•The Committee of the Whole met this day. Mike Bubany gave a presentation on the city’s Capital Improvement Plan. City Clerk Joel Young provided a financial update.
•List of fire department officers for 2022 was approved: Chief Luke Thieke, 1st Assistant Chief Peter Erickson, 2nd Assistant Chief Cole Mckean, Training Officer Chris Musty, Ssafety Officer Steve Schmiedeberg, Captain Jason Baldner, and Captain Jill Harstad.
•The hire of three additional EMTs was approved: Steve Schlichter, Jacob Markham, and Zach Linnell.
•Approval was given to extend the closing date on the previously authorized sale of a lot on Enterprise Drive to Joshua Broadwater LLC. Councilor Josh Broadwater abstained.
•Broadwater reporting for the Park and Recreation Committee said the improvements including grading of the field have been completed. Payment for the work in the amount of $2,400 was approved as recommended by the committee.
•A three-year Law Enforcement Labor Services (LELS) contract was approved. Young noted there is no guarantee for wage increases in years two and three.
•An updated draft of the city’s Debt Management Policy and Capital Outlay Policy was approved.
•An updated Personnel Policy, effective January 1, 2022, was approved.
•Census information for Chatfield had its population at 2,997 (1,834 in Fillmore County and 1,163 in Olmsted County).
•Mayor Russ Smith reminded residents to keep vehicles off the streets during snow events.
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