By Kaitlin Longhauser
Caledonia School Board members met in Caledonia Elementary School’s music room #162 on Monday, December 19, from 6-8:04 p.m. Board members present included Matt Blocker, Erin Hammell, Leigh King, Melissa Marschall, Wendy Woyczik, Daniel Small, and Spencer Yohe.
The board approved the consent agenda, minutes from the November 21 regular board meeting, and the treasurer’s report/approval of bills. Prior to approval of the agenda, the board included an addition to the agenda which includes the hiring of Jeff Babinski as robotics instructor.
Barb Meyer, business manager/finance director, and the board discussed the 2023 budget and levy. The board unanimously approved to adopt final levy certification.
The board approved for Craig Ihrke, Caledonia School District superintendent, to submit another Flexible Learning Year Application. The last three months, Caledonia School Board met monthly at 5:30-6 p.m. before the regular board meeting to specifically address an early start. If the application is approved, Caledonia School District may start their school year prior to Labor Day for the next three calendar years.
The board approved the continuation of Caledonia High School’s Summer Ag Program. Rich Larson, Caledonia Middle/High School Agriscience Instructor and FFA Advisor, shared the program’s state funding got cut in half due to the program not struggling plus additional programs statewide submitted applications for funding too. Use of school funds will assist Summer Ag Program funding if additional funding elsewhere is not available. FFA students who partake in the program and successfully complete such are eligible to receive their Agriscience credit during the summer. The board gratefully accepted a donation from Caledonia Lions Club. The donation consisted of Lions Club members volunteering 54 hours of their time in selling tickets during fall sports.
Nathan Boler, Caledonia Middle/High School principal, shared his board report. Term 2/semester 1 ends Wednesday, December 21. Student report cards will go out late January/early February 2023. Once semester 1 ends, a credit check for seniors will take place to ensure students remain on the graduation pathway. Credit checks will also take place for high school students in grades 9-12 who are behind. Boler continues to plan for the 2023-2024 school year. The administration set three goals for the 2023-2024 school year: Goal 1, build connectedness in where each student is involved in at minimal two clubs/activities. Goal 2, Increase math scores. Goal 3, increase student attendance.
Sue Link, Caledonia Elementary School principal, and Gretchen Juan, Caledonia Community Education were both absent.
Robbie Sobczak, Caledonia High School social studies teacher, discussed designating Sprague Woods as a school forest. Sobczak first addressed and gained approval for such from the city and now moves forward with his plan. Sprague Woods will continue to remain under city ownership. Sobczak acknowledged the state of Minnesota currently holds multiple school forests. Sobczak stated the inclusion of a school forest is “a great learning experience” and that “our students need to be outside more.” Sobczak wants the school forest to be an available opportunity for every academic discipline. Woyczik agreed with Sobczak, stating, “I would love to see the space used… this is a great opportunity for kids.”
Ihrke shared data that compares Caledonia Public School students’ proficiency in both reading and math to students statewide for 2019, 2021, and 2022. As of 2022, Caledonia students hold reading proficiency for grades: 3 at 73.9%, 4 at 71.1%, 5 at 78.0%, 6 at 66.0%, 7 at 53.6%, 8 at 46.9%, and 10 at 58.3%. As of 2022, statewide average holds reading proficiency for grades: 3 at 48.1%, 4 at 49.6%, 5 at 59.4%, 6 at 54.4%, 7 at 45.5%, 8 at 46.4%, and 10 at 55.2%. As of 2022, Caledonia students hold math proficiency for grades: 3 at 73.9%, 4 at 73.3%, 5 at 61.9%, 6 at 34.0%, 7 at 40.4%, 8 at 57.1%, and 11 at 31.8%. As of 2022, statewide average holds math proficiency for grades: 3 at 59.0%, 4 at 56.4%, 5 at 43.1%, 6 at 39.3%, 7 at 40.1%, 8 at 40.1%, and 11 at 36.6%.
The board bade farewell to board members Hammell, Blocker, and Woyczik. Hammell thanked the board for welcoming her onboard. Blocker also thanked the board. He felt he learned a lot as a school board member and stated “sitting on the board was a huge eye-opener.” Woyczik thanked everyone for the opportunity to serve as a school board member. Three new board members will take position beginning the next school board meeting; new members include Derek Adamson, Mike Peterson, and Tim Gunn.
The board will hold an organizational meeting at Caledonia Elementary School in room #106 on Monday, January 9, 2023, at 6 p.m.
The next regular board meeting of the Caledonia Public School board is scheduled for Monday, January 16. The meeting is scheduled for 6 p.m. at Caledonia Elementary in the music room #162.
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