The Brownsville City Council unanimously approved to continue flying the current Minnesota State flag at the January 3, 2024, council meeting until further notified.
Councilmember William (Bill) Fitzpatrick stated regarding the state’s decision to redesign the flag and the logo, “What a waste of time and money!”
Mayor Jean Meyer summarized the proclamation included in the council’s packet regarding the new Minnesota State flag, “We don’t accept the new flag as proposed and to continue with the flag we still have.” Meyer wondered out loud if the council has that kind of choice. City Clerk Steve Schuldt was asked to look into it and see if the city has the authority to continue flying the current flag.
Meyer said, “The Minnesota state flag right now is quite lovely, but they want to do a new one.”
The mayor called the regularly scheduled meeting to order at 7 p.m.
Council members in attendance included Mayor Jean Meyer, William (Bill) Fitzpatrick, Tim Klug, Barb Hurley, and Pam Walhovd. Staff in attendance were City Clerk Steve Schuldt, City Treasurer Jenna Knight, City Maintenance Dean Twite. and from Brownsville Fire, Brandon Frank.
The consent agenda included the meeting agenda with one change; discussion on public safety aid under old business was tabled until the February meeting. The minutes from the December 6, 2023, regular scheduled meeting and the claims list were approved in one unanimous motion.
The council did not rush into deciding on the mayor’s and councilmembers’ compensation, employee wages, appointments, and city fees. They spent the majority of the meeting thoroughly discussing each fee before voting to increase or keep them the same. The council tabled the discussion on the employee wages allowing time for the council to have an opportunity to meet with personnel before next month’s meeting. For a complete list of city fees, contact city hall.
The council approved increasing the mayor’s and councilmembers’ compensation by $10 to $60 and $50. It was noted that the council’s compensation has not been raised in 20 years. HRA apartment rental increased to $590 for a one-bedroom apartment and $635 for a two-bedroom apartment. The council also accepted a bid from the Fillmore County Journal as the city’s official newspaper.
The council approved the resolution designating the polling place. According to the 2023 Minnesota Statues 204B.16, Subdivision 1, “Polling places must be designated, and ballots must be distributed so that no one is required to go to more than one polling place to vote in a school district and municipal election held on the same day.” This is an action that must be done every year.
The council voted unanimously to renew the agreement with the Rural Water Association. The mayor said, “I think we need to hold on to them.” Other council members eagerly voiced their opinions, “Absolutely,” “Yes,” and “They are helping quite a bit.” The renewal fee is $425 per year.
Dean Twite, city maintenance department, received a round of applause for passing the water operator class with a 94%. He thanked the Rural Water Association for their assistance, noting that Marcus Weiker, training specialist with the association spent an entire day helping Twite study for the exam.
The council approved charging property owners $75 per hour with a one-hour minimum if Twite is required to remove snow from sidewalks that are deemed a nuisance.
Frank reported that fire department call volume is climbing. In 2023, there were 64 calls, the most he has seen on record. Frank announced that the Friends of the Brownsville Fire Department donated $8,000 to the city to pay for the new pumper. Schuldt proudly announced, “There is a balance of $6550.” Frank also thanked the Brownsville Lions club for their donation.
In other business the council:
• Approved a $100 donation to the Southern Minnesota Initiative Foundation (SMIF). Knight said that the city has always donated $100 to SMIF.
• Approved the depository resolution naming 4M Fund and Merchants Bank as the city’s bank.
• Adjourned the meeting at 10:05 p.m.
The next regular Brownsville City Council meeting will take place at the community center on Wednesday, February 7 at 7 p.m. The public is invited to attend.
Brownsville to Continue Flying Current Minnesota State Flag
Billy says
I love the new flag?
Anonymous says
Bitching about a flag…..