To the Editor,
Nearly one million township residents in Minnesota will have the opportunity to participate in their local government by attending their township’s upcoming annual meeting. On Township Day, held this year on Tuesday, March 10, citizens attending their local township meeting will discuss issues with their town board and vote on their annual tax levy. Many townships hold their township officer elections on Township Day as well. This is true grassroots government, as township residents have an annual face-to-face meeting with their locally elected officials and the right to vote up or down the tax levy proposed by those officials. If you are a township resident, I encourage you to take advantage of this exercise in participatory democracy. Mark your calendar, find the location and time by checking your local newspaper or contacting your township clerk, and bring your neighbors to your annual meeting on Township Day, March 10.
David W. Hann
Executive Director
MN Association of Townships
St. Michael, Minn.
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