The Whalan City Council discussed noise complaints and minors driving recreational vehicles unsafely on city streets recently. It is believed that these individuals were staying at a nearby short-term rental.
The regularly scheduled Whalan City Council meeting took place on August 10, 2020, at 5 p.m. at the Whalan City Hall. The meeting was also available via Zoom.
Attending the meeting were Mayor Marlys Tuftin, along with council members Everett Thore Johnson, Owen Lewis, Tanya Cook and Kim Berekvam, along with City Administrator Michele Peterson.
Several additions were made to the agenda under the miscellaneous category. Following the additions, a motion was made and seconded to approve the agenda.
Minutes from the July 13, 2020, city council meeting were approved. The Treasurer’s Report and Bills Due were read aloud by Peterson and approved.
There were no comments from visitors.
Continued business
The council approved to continue waiving the late fees for electric service through November 2020. The issue will be re-evaluated in December 2020.
A discussion on city rounds took place. Cook will request estimates for gravel placement on alleys and also estimates for filling potholes.
A deputy ride-along with a Fillmore County Deputy to check for any ordinance concerns will take place this fall.
Chamber funds were discussed. The City of Whalan has $1,000 available for beautification of the city. The funds must be used before the end of the year or will be lost. Several ideas were discussed. Flowers and mulch to place around the gazebo has been a recurring idea. New Christmas decorations were talked about, as well as the possibility of getting a banner to advertise the Candlelight Ski each year. Council members will get estimates for several options and the item will be discussed again at the September 2020 meeting.
Electrical improvements were next on the agenda. The pole that was in question will be taken care of at a minimal cost to the city. A new transformer will not be needed. Another pole needs to be replaced. The council approved having the work done.
There was no new business to discuss.
The City of Whalan does not plan on doing any dust control this year. Being that it is so late in the year now, dust control will be done in early spring 2021.
There is a permit process to have a brush burning site for the City of Whalan. The city will not be able to do any burning of brush, tree limbs, etc., until a permit is acquired. An application for a permit will be submitted.
Water testing results have come back. There were no problems detected.
The city received a phone call from a resident about getting a tree removed that was damaged during a storm. The tree is a living tree. He is wondering if the city will help with the cost of having the tree taken down. The tree is not located on city property. This has been an ongoing issue. It was decided that the homeowners are responsible for the cost to have the tree removed.
Cook discussed problems with the Cycle Inn property. Cycle Inn is not licensed as a short-term rental this year, as the owner was supposed to be living at the property full-time. It was noted that the Cycle Inn has had short-term renters on at least two weekends. Also, some of the short-term renters have not been following rules and regulations. Go karts, dirt bikes, side by sides, etc., have all been seen speeding around town and on Everyday Road, many with children driving them and not wearing helmets. These recreational vehicles seem to be coming and going from the short-term rental property. A letter will be sent to the owner of the Cycle Inn.
All short term rentals in the City of Whalan will be sent a reminder of city regulations and their responsibilities as business owners.
The next regularly scheduled Whalan City Council meeting will be held on Monday, September 14, 2020, at 5 p.m. at the Whalan City Hall.
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