It’s been noted quite often throughout my lifetime that if you want to get something done, give it to a busy person.
Most often, I’ve heard this said while involved in volunteer organizations. It seems like those who volunteer for things have a hard time saying no. So, they keep volunteering for whatever needs to be done.
These volunteers, with their time and talents, are truly irreplaceable.
So many communities benefit from the great work done by volunteers. And, for those who volunteer, it’s a mutually rewarding experience.
But, what we have been seeing for quite some time over the past couple decades is an erosion of our volunteers. There are volunteers giving their time up in their 80s, but when they can no longer help out, there’s nobody there to replace them.
If you talk to any organization that relies on volunteers to function, they will tell you of their recruitment struggles. For most organizations, they are losing volunteers faster than they are gaining them.
I’ve seen this happen in communities we’ve resided in over the years. That continuous erosion will undoubtedly result in the demise of an organization.
As the ‘80s hairband Cinderella sang, “You don’t know what you got, til it’s gone.”
This is why the Fillmore County Journal has decided to make a concerted effort to promote volunteerism. In April, which is recognized as National Volunteer Month, we will publish a special section dedicated to volunteerism.
But we need your help.
In today’s newspaper, you will see a nomination form for the 2023 Volunteer of the Year. We encourage you to look at your friends, family and other acquaintances who you feel go above and beyond as volunteer.
Think about someone who you know who gives their time and talents for the betterment of the community. Maybe they volunteer for Meals on Wheels, Food Shelf, Lions or Rotary Club, Boy Scouts or Girl Scouts, 4-H, Chamber of Commerce, VFW or American Legion, a historical society, their church, or as an emergency responder. Or, maybe they volunteer for multiple organizations.
We are asking you, our faithful readers, to nominate a volunteer who you feel deserves this recognition. From all of the nominations received, we will select one Volunteer of the Year to be recognized, and we will publish a story about them and their volunteerism. In addition, in their honor, we will donate $250 to an organization of their choice.
There are so many businesses in our coverage area that encourage and support their employees being involved in the community. Through the support of volunteerism, these businesses give back their communities in so many ways.
If you’d like to help recognize an important volunteer in your community, this would be a great way to give them the recognition they deserve.
Please check out the nomination form in today’s newspaper and submit your entry today.
Thank you to all of our volunteers. Your work is greatly appreciated by so many people.
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