With Election Day approximately 15 days away, a fair number of voters will have already cast their ballots because they received them by mail.
Here’s how those numbers break down on a per county basis within the Fillmore County Journal coverage area.
Fillmore County
Of the 37 precincts representing Fillmore County polling places, 12 of those precincts have opted for the mail-in ballot option: Bloomfield Township, Canton City, Canton Township, Fountain City, Fountain Township, Harmony Township, Newburg Township, Peterson City, Preble Township, Preston Township, Sumner Township, and Whalan City.
The total number of registered voters in Fillmore County is 13,473, with 2,377 receiving ballots by mail – 17.6% of registered voters.
According to Auditor-Treasurer Christy Smith, “Fillmore County mail ballots were sent out on the first day of the absentee voting period, Friday, September 23.”
Houston County
County Auditor-Treasurer Donna Trehus reported that they don’t have any precincts voting with mail-in ballots.
Registered voters from 28 precincts will cast their votes at 13 polling locations scattered throughout Houston County, Minn., on Election Day.
There are 12,530 registered voters in Houston County.
Mower County
According to Mower County Auditor-Treasurer Scott Felten, there are 39 precincts in Mower County with 13 of those precincts voting by mail-in ballot: Elkton, Mapleview, Rose Creek, Sergeant, Taopi, Clayton, Grand Meadow, Marshall, Nevada, Pleasant Valley, Udolpho, Waltham, and Windom.
Total number of registered voters in Mower County 22,118, with 2,646 receiving ballots by mail – 11.9% of registered voters.
Mower County Auditor-Treasurer Scott Felten reported that, “The mailing of ballots to registered voters in mail ballot precincts in Mower County was completed by October 6.”
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