On Tuesday, March 18, the Houston County Board of Commissioners unanimously approved a contract for 2024 with Driftless Region Vector Control LLC, based in La Crosse, Wis.
This contract entails canvassing designated communities within Houston County (Eitzen, Golfview Drive area west of Hokah, Hokah, Houston, Money Creek and Outer La Crescent) to assess potential mosquito-related human health risks and larvicide-identified habitat sites. Public Health Director John Pugleasa confirmed that Houston County is susceptible to La Crosse encephalitis. The contract increased in cost this year by $95, from $2,727 to $2,822. Pugleasa said, “It is a good thing. We have been doing it for years.”
Commissioner Kurt Zehnder initiated the motion to approve the contract with Driftless Region Vector Control LLC after emphasizing the critical need for mosquito control, particularly due to the tree hole mosquito, which is responsible for La Crosse encephalitis. He shared a personal story about his daughter, who suffers from a lifelong illness, epilepsy, resulting from a mosquito bite. “So, it is very important what you’re doing to get rid of that,” he stated.
Chairman Eric Johnson called the Houston County Commission meeting to order at 9 a.m. leading his colleagues and the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. The agenda was approved as written, along with the minutes from the previous board meeting on March 4 and the workgroup session on March 11.
Among the items on the consent agenda was the approval of the Vanguard Computer Systems Consolidated Extended Service Contract for 2025-2030. Vanguard has providing CAMA programming and support services to Houston County since 2012. Additionally, the guardianship contract with John Miller was unanimously approved.
Environmental Services Director Amelia Meiners recommended that the board approve a zoning amendment for Chris and Wendy Horn from agricultural to residential in La Crescent Township, and a text amendment to the zoning ordinance for sections 27.3 and 27.8, as requested by G-Cubed. These two sections have been updated to align with regulations in Winona and Fillmore counties.
County Engineer Brian Pogodzinski advised the county to award the airport T-Hangar project to Olympic Builders General Contractors, contingent upon securing State and Federal funding. He also recommended approving the Federal Entitlement agreement with the City of Albert Lea, Minn., to transfer $283,000 in entitlement funds, to be reimbursed with future entitlement dollars from Houston County. The board adopted Resolution No. 25-09, which authorizes an agreement regarding the Federal Aviation Administration Airport Improvement Program Non-Primary Entitlement Funds.
The board accepted Pogodzinski’s recommendations for 2025 road maintenance projects, approving the low bid from Fahrner Asphalt Sealers, LLC for crack filling at $118,250, and selecting ICON Constructors LLC for bridge maintenance at $105,450. They also accepted the lowest bid from Scott Construction for seal coating at $495,553.00 and from Bruening Rock for maintenance rock at $339,093.90. MnDOT was selected to stripe the center lane on all county roads and fog lines on one-third of the county roads at a cost of $215,521.76. Due to additional funding, the BOC approved a 15% overrun for striping the roads, a 20% overrun for maintenance rock, and there is a potential for an overrun on the seal coating project.
In other business, the board:
- Accepted a donation of $1,200 from American Legion Post 191 for the Public Health car seat program, which will fund the purchase of 20 car seats. Last year Public Health gave out 46 seats and the year before, 38 seats.
- Appointed Dean Happel to a three-year term on the Board of Adjustment, expiring on December 31, 2027.
- Confirmed the resignation/retirement of Mary Betz, Houston County Recorder, effective April 1, 2025. Her resignation, initially approved on February 4, was inadvertently omitted from the minutes. She was recognized for her 23 years of service to the community.
- Appointed Michelle Werner as the Interim County Recorder to complete Betz’s unexpired term and authorized the advertising of the Chief Deputy Recorder position.
- Approved paying the bills.
Before concluding the meeting, the commissioners entered a closed session to discuss labor negotiations. Upon reconvening, County Administrator Carol Lapham reported that no action was taken.
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