At the April 9 county board meeting, a grievance brought forward by the International Union of Operating Engineers, Local 49 was discussed.
The Minnesota Public Employment Relations Board will hold a hearing on Friday, April 12 in St. Paul. Board members, County Administrator Bobbie Hillery and Human Resources Officer Lindsi Engle may be asked to testify.
Hillery explained, “There was an error on the wage table and the Union is taking advantage of the error and taking the county to a hearing to get the benefit of the mistake.” The county has approved a three-year agreement with the Union.
The Union is claiming the county purposely paid a lesser amount. The county admits there was a mistake, the wrong chart was used, but it was not on purpose.
The county will be represented by labor attorney Ann Goering. Commissioner Randy Dahl said he has been a union member for over 35 years and supports unions. He insisted the way Local 49 is going about this will cost the county significantly in attorney fees. We work with a financial planner for wage scales, trying to do the right thing.
The Union didn’t come to the county first to resolve the issue but went directly to the state and filed a grievance. A petition for mediation has been received by the Minnesota Bureau of Mediation Services. There will be a meeting on April 29 at the Fillmore County Courthouse to resolve the dispute between Local 49 and Fillmore County. The meeting will be closed to the public and the press.
Other Business in Brief
- Marty Walsh, People’s Energy Cooperative, requested approval and the signing of the Good Neighbor Agreement for funding support from the Department of Energy. Agreements were also signed with Olmsted and Winona Counties. He added they will be doing work that our federal tax dollars have paid for. The funding will be used to increase the reliability of power to the region.
- A resolution was adopted approving a five-year joint powers agreement with the state of Minnesota, Bureau of Criminal Apprehension, allowing the use of systems and tools available over the state’s criminal justice data communications network.
- The retirement of Debra Curry, eligibility worker, effective June 27 was approved with thanks for her 11 years of service. Lindsi Engle noted this position will not be replaced.
- Approval was granted for the hire of Kayla Peterson, administrative office accounting technician, effective May 6.
- An access permit for the Fillmore County Ag Society to widen an existing driveway on CR 12 in the city of Preston was approved. The wider driveway will better accommodate entrance of larger vehicles into the fairgrounds.
- An access permit was approved for Dale Schwade for a new driveway access on CR 5 in Section 28, York Township. The new driveway will provide better access for large equipment to a farm field.
- The county board will meet next on April 23.
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