October is a month filled with more than just candy and spooky decorations. It’s also a time to acknowledge the importance of Domestic Violence Awareness Month. It is crucial for everyone to understand the significance of educating oneself about this important issue.
In 2023, Violence Free Minnesota documented 40 intimate partner homicides in the state, the highest number since they began tracking such deaths in 1989. There are nearly 53,000 survivors who received domestic violence services in Minnesota last year. These statistics highlight the urgent need to raise awareness and take meaningful action to address domestic violence in our communities.
The Fillmore County Attorney’s office reported in 2023 the number of cases involving domestic violence was six felonies, two gross misdemeanors, one misdemeanor, and one juvenile misdemeanor. In 2024 there were two felonies, three gross misdemeanors, and two misdemeanors involving domestic violence. Cases involving sexual assault were one felony and one gross misdemeanor. In 2024 there were three felonies (none of these cases have been disposed of yet) involving sexual assault.
In Fillmore County, Laura W. serves as the Domestic Violence/Sexual Assault Advocate. Based in Rochester, Minn., she has been providing support to individuals in our community for four and a half years. Laura offers assistance to anyone experiencing domestic violence or sexual assault, emphasizing that while many assume she primarily helps women, a significant portion of her clients are men. She collaborates with a women’s shelter that has been in operation for over 40 years, covering 10 counties and supporting around 3,000 people annually. The shelter provides various services including transitional housing, safety planning, assistance with accessing support programs, help with obtaining protection and harassment orders, transportation, and guidance through criminal and civil court processes. If you need assistance, you can contact Laura at (507)273-3547 or email her at lauran@womens-shelter.org. For more information about the women’s shelter, or to donate or volunteer, you can visit their website at www.womens-shelter.org.
Laura wants everyone to know, “You need to educate yourself on local resources. Know that you have support if you need it. Friends and family are welcome to call and receive advice on how to help a loved one in need. Above all else, everything is confidential.”
In Houston County, Brittney Eyman serves as the Executive Director at Bluff Country Family Resources. BCFR is a beacon of hope, providing community education, advocacy, support, non-judgmental, confidential crisis intervention, and resources to victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, child abuse, and housing insecurity due to violence.
It has been 40 years since Pat Young, a compassionate soul who owned and operated a gift and bookstore called “The Brass Banana” in Caledonia, Minn., initiated a group with monthly meetings, offering women a safe space to share their stories in a non-threatening and non-judgmental atmosphere. This group, eventually named Houston County Women’s Coalition, affectionately known as HoCoWoCo, evolved into the remarkable organization we now know as Bluff Country Family Resources.
The organization provides a wide range of services including a 24-hour, toll-free crisis line, assistance with writing protection orders, transportation, accompaniment to court or the hospital for forensic exams, safety planning, emergency hotel/motel safe housing, emergency financial assistance, support groups, and crisis intervention. Additionally, BCFR offers a Care & Share Corner with various free items available to those in need. Their hours of operation are Monday through Friday, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
There are numerous volunteer opportunities available for individuals who want to make a difference. The BCFR Board of Directors is actively seeking passionate individuals to join as board members. This role requires a commitment of only 3-6 hours per month and involves bi-monthly meetings. Additionally, there are openings for crisis line advocates. The crisis line operates 24/7, 365 days a year, providing support to victims facing genuine crises. Advocates for this line may need to work nights and weekends. BCFR offers a free and remote 40-hour advocate training course to prepare volunteers for this important role. Visit their website for more information or call Brittney.
In 2023 BCRF served 317 clients, provided 9,798 services, had 121 crisis line calls, and provided 368 emergency hotel nights.
If you or someone you know is in need of assistance, please don’t hesitate to reach out to Bluff Country Family Resources. You can get in touch with them by calling (507)894-2676 or emailing info@bcfrinc.org. They can also be found at bluffcountry.org Additionally, there is a 24-hour toll-free crisis line available at 1-866-367-4297 for immediate support.
Let’s take a moment this October to consider the women, children, and men who are in need of help. Domestic violence and sexual assault are not confined to October. Some individuals may feel trapped in their situations and may not know where to turn for assistance. It’s vital for them to understand that support is available, and they can find safety. In Brittney’s office, there’s a quote by Ernest Hemingway that says, “We are all broken, that’s how the light gets in.” This serves as a poignant reminder that no one is alone in their struggles.
In case of an immediate emergency, please dial 911.
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