The City Council of Lanesboro, Minnesota ordains:
Ordinance 31.80 Establishment and Purpose of the Library Board
If, at the time this code is adopted, the city has a Library Board, the Library Board for the city is hereby continued. If the city did not have a Library Board at the time of the adoption of this code, the City Council may at any time determine to establish a Library Board by appointing members to the Library Board as provided in ’31.81 of this code. The Library Board shall be the library agency authorized by M.S. ‘134.09. The purpose of this ordinance is to define the composition, organization, powers, funding, and protocol of the Public Library Board for the City of Lanesboro, Minnesota.
Ordinance 31.81 Composition of the Library Board
(A) Number
Members. The Library Board shall consist of five (5) members, all having full voting privileges. The Mayor, with the consent of the City Council, shall appoint all members.
(B) Term(s)
Office. Of the five (5) members, one (1) shall be a City Council person. Of the remaining members, members shall be appointed or reappointed to the library board and shall serve for a term of three (3) years. The appointments shall be made before the first meeting of the library board after the end of the fiscal year. A library board member shall not be eligible to serve more than three (3) consecutive three-year terms. Members shall serve until a successor is appointed and qualifies. The Mayor, with consent of the City Council, may remove any member for misconduct or neglect.
(C) Organization
Procedures. The library board shall choose one (1) of its members as president and one (1) member as secretary, and from time to time it may appoint such other officers as is it deems necessary. The library board shall adopt bylaws and regulations for the government of the library and for the conduct of its business as may be deemed expedient and conformable to law. The library board shall have exclusive control of the expenditure of all money collected for and placed to the credit of the library fund; interest earned on all money collected or placed to the credit of the fund, of the construction of library buildings, and of the grounds, rooms and buildings provided for library purposes.
(D) Compensation. Library board members shall receive no compensation for their services but may be reimbursed for actual and necessary travel expenses incurred in the discharge of library board duties and activities.
Ordinance 31.82 Powers and Duties of the Library Board
(A) Generally. In order to carry out the general powers granted in accordance with Minnesota State Statute and this Ordinance, the library board shall have the powers granted in the following subdivisions.
(B) Employment. In accordance to the City’s personnel policy, the library board shall appoint a qualified library director and other staff as necessary, establish the compensation of employees, and remove any of them for cause.
(C) Construction. With approval of the City Council, the library board may purchase grounds and erect a library building thereon. The library board may, with the consent of the City Council, make contracts and leases for the construction and operation of these facilities for terms not exceeding ten (10) years. The library board may lease rooms for library use. Every such contract and lease shall provide that the structure shall be operated for public use and convenience, and that the charges shall be reasonable, and it shall reserve to the library board the power to prescribe reasonable rules and regulations from time to time for the conduct of the privilege.
(D) Purchase
services. The library board may purchase all necessary materials, supplies, equipment, and services.
(E) Maintenance. The library board shall maintain, beautify, and care for all library property.
Ordinance 31.83 Library Funds
(A) Establishment. For the purpose of carrying out the powers, duties, and responsibilities of the library, there shall be established a Library Fund. All money received for the library shall be paid to the City treasury, credited to the library fund, kept separate from other money of the City, and paid out only upon approval by the board. The City Council may transfer to the library fund the money it deems necessary for public library purposes.
(B) Budget. No later than September 1 of each year or any other date fixed by State Statute, the library board shall present to the City Administrator in the manner and detail the City Council requires, its estimate of the financial needs of the library board for the ensuing fiscal year.
(C) Annual
Report(s). As soon as practicable following the end of the fiscal year, the library board shall report to the governing body of the City all amounts received during the preceding year and sources thereof, the amounts expended and for what purposes, the number of library materials on hand, the number purchased and loaned, and such other information as it deems advisable. No later than April 1 of each year the library board shall file this information with the Department of Education on forms supplied by the Department.
This Ordinance shall take effect immediately from and after its passage and publication.
Passed by the City Council of the City of Lanesboro, Minnesota this 18th day of December, 2024.
/s/ Jason Resseman,
/s/ Mitchell Walbridge,
City Administrator
Publish 30
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