By Kathie Haynes
Canton, MN
Retired Pastor Norm Omodt explained why he became a Democrat. He asks hard line Republicans and strict followers of Trump, “Why would you be against wind power, solar power and ocean current energy?” And, “Why do you accept mass shootings with the AR-15 military rifle intended for killing people in war?”
Bonnie Haugen says Vote With Your Stomach. “Vote people into office who understand rural issues and complete legislation meant to bring farmers needed financial incentives.”
George Spangler writes that “our pursuit of democratic self governance has been severely challenged.” “147 members of Congress voted to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election.” “The Supreme Court has denied bodily autonomy for women and probably opened the door for further intrusion in marriage and reproductive rights.” The choice in America today appears to be democracy or authoritarian facism. “Your VOTE can determine whether we live in a Democracy or not! Yes, the choice is yours – Our Democracy depends on your VOTE.”
Christopher Conlon was concerned about abortion, He had a lot of scientific information on which he based his conclusion that “the occupant of the womb is both human and alive and it is a basic biological fact that at conception sperm and egg combine to form a new living organism.” Therefore “a right to abortion really means the right to directly kill an innocent human being.”
I wonder if Christopher Conlon has the same concern for the people on death row who are executed by the State, and is he concerned about the many shootings and the increasing mass shootings in our country? Many innocent human beings are being killed! There are over 100 people dying every day from firearms in the United States.
We may be making a huge mistake as we discuss “abortion” and a “woman’s choice.” Our focus should be on PREVENTION. There are many, many ways to prevent pregnancies. If all sexual participants were using “prevention” we would greatly reduce the need for abortion!!! The responsibility lies with the man as much as the woman.
I am impressed with the many thoughtful letters and commentaries in the Journal. Thank You All!
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