City Engineer Matthew E. Mohrs, Bolton & Menk, Inc., confirmed that the 2023 Caledonia street and utility reconstruction project is on schedule. The project is scheduled to begin mid-June.
Mohrs updated the council on the street project. The next meeting with the property owners is scheduled for Tuesday, May 16. A newsletter was sent to all the property owners who own property on that will be impacted by the construction. The property owners were asked to share the meeting information with their tenants as this meeting is important, talking about timing of construction and what to expect during construction. “It is our last shot connecting with folks here before the project starts,” said Mohrs.
“The first meeting we had was not so well attended. The second meeting we had was quite a bit better attended. So, I am hoping for a good attendance at this final meeting,” explained Mohrs. “We are doing our best to keep everyone informed.”
The council approved the task order number three between the City of Caledonia, Minn., and Bolton & Menk, Inc. for a total of $213,700.00.
Mayor DeWayne (Tank) Schroeder called the May 8 regularly scheduled meeting of the Caledonia City Council to order at 6 p.m. Schroeder led his fellow council members and the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. The council approved the agenda as presented and the minutes from the April 24 regular city council meeting.
Council members in attendance included Robert (Bob) Klug, Amanda Ninneman, Mayor Schroeder, David Fitzpatrick, and Ryan Stenzel.
In one unanimous vote the council approved the consent agenda including payments and disbursements; a temporary liquor license for American Legion Post 191 at the Veterans Baseball Park on June 30, 2023; pay request #15 in the amount of $188,672.30 and pay request #16 in the amount of $328,948.55 from Wapasha Construction for work performed at the wastewater treatment plan; hired Sylvia Leitzen as an on-call library assistant at $11.33 per hour.
Public Works/Zoning director Casey Klug announced that well six passed its water sample test. Klug confirmed, “The well is now back online, and everything is working as it should.”
Director Klug shared that zoning sent out quite a few nuisance letters, junk cars and yards full of waste, to property owners. “It is always a springtime cleanup thing,” said Klug. “We always try to get everyone on the right foot for the year.”
City Administrator Jake Dickson reported that the city received five applications for the planning committee which is the number the city needed. The city is still accepting applications this week.
In new business, the council accepted the storm water projects on the Fred Kruckow property, parcel #21.1161.004. The project includes the creation of a retention pond in the northwest corner of the property, reshape the main waterway in the north central of the field, and create a retention property in the northeast corner of the property, and all disturbed areas will be graded, seeded, fertilized, and coconut erosion mat applied and pinned in place. The total cost of the project is $7,500.00 with the city providing all fill material, seed, fertilizer, coconut fiber erosion mats, staples, and drainage pipe.
In other business, the council:
• Reviewed the overtime report for April 3 through April 16. No action required.
• Adjourned the meeting at 6:44 p.m.
The next regularly scheduled meeting of the Caledonia City Council is Monday, May 22, at 6 p.m. at the Caledonia City Hall, 231 E. Main Street. The public is invited to attend.
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