The Caledonia City Council met Monday, February 14, from 6:02-6:55 p.m. at city hall. Mayor DeWayne “Tank” Schroeder led the council and audience in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Council members in attendance included Amanda Ninneman, Mayor DeWayne “Tank” Schroeder, David Fitzpatrick, and Brad Rykhus. Also present was City Clerk/Administrator Adam Swann. Council member Robert “Bob” Klug was absent.
Prior to approving the consent agenda, it was noted that there were a lot of resignations. Swann said, “This is just because we were trying to update our records and making sure they were accurate because we had not done it in a long time. There are no underlaying problems. They all left in good standing. We appreciate everyone’s service. Just verifying who was active on the police department and ambulance roster. This came up because of the vaccine mandate and we were trying to make sure how many employees we had and make sure we had accurate numbers.”
The council approved the minutes from the January 24, regular council meeting.
The council approved two payments to Wapasha Construction Co., Inc. The first payment of $86,234.35 is for work performed on Well House No. 8 and the second payment is $22,524.50 for work performed on the wastewater treatment facility.
The memorandum of agreement between Riverland Community College and Caledonia Ambulance Service was approved. The agreement provides for a clinical experience program for college students in 2022.
Public Works/Zoning Director Casey Klug was asked how many shade trees were ordered. He replied, “Right around 69-70 shade trees were ordered. We ordered an additional 35 more trees for city areas so we can replenish some of the old ones we are losing. In some of the new areas we can put a few.”
Swann explained that the city attorney is drafting the agreement with Richard’s Sanitation’s for solid waste collection and disposal. Once the agreement is completed it will be forward to Richard’s Sanitation, after which it come back to the council for approval. It was noted that the price may change by the time the agreement reaches the council for approval.
The collective bargaining agreement with Law Enforcement Labor Services, Inc., Local No. 413 is drafted and LLS agreed that the agreement “accurately reflects the tentative agreement approved by the council,” according to Swann. At the next meeting, the agreement will need the council’s final approval.
The new keys have been distributed. According to Swann, they did not receive the push back expected about the $100 fee. The council approved the proposed revisions to the municipal auditorium usage policy and municipal auditorium usage and key agreement after Swann explain the policy to return keys.
Swann and council member Fitzpatrick met with the pickleball players. According to council member Fitzpatrick, “We’re more than happy.” The discussion about the layout of the proposed tennis court and pickleball courts continued. Council members agreed to the layout of the new court. The project is scheduled to begin this fall so residents can use the current courts this summer and allow time for the city to apply for grants to pay for the new courts.
The council approved the recommendation to increase the per capital ambulance subsidy from $14 to $16 for non-city residents in 2023.
Storm Davis was hired as a permanent, part-time officer for the Caledonia Police Department.
The council reviewed the proposed schedule for the Battle in Bluff Country Omnium bike ride and is agreeable to the two-break schedule. There will be a break from 1:45-2:10 p.m. and a second break from 4:30–5 p.m. on Saturday, April 30. The breaks allow time for residents to get their cars out. Swann noted that the organizers are expecting 200 bicyclists.
The council agreed to update the job description for a third street maintenance technician and presented it to the union before bringing it back to the council for approval.
After hearing from Director Klug that the mural is damaged and cannot be salvaged it was decided not to hang it on the side of liquor store building. Council member Ninneman echoed Klug’s sentiments and explained that everyone, Streetscapes and Historical Society, agree that it cannot be salvaged. The Historical Society will get the original picture that was used to paint the mural in the hopes that a mural can be painted again. It was noted that the mural was painted in the ‘90s after the barbershop was razed.
The next regular Caledonia City Council meeting is Monday, February 28, 2022. The meeting is scheduled to begin at 6 p.m. at Caledonia City Hall,
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