Bruce Schwartzman and Henry Pittner, BKV Group, presented a concept site plan, proposed schedule, and a preliminary construction estimate for the project at the county board’s June 7 meeting.
Pittner detailed the plan which will include an addition on the west side of the existing building. The existing garage will be reused. All doors and areas of the facility will be controlled by a central control. The existing basement, about 1,000 square feet, will be used for storage.
The podular jail design gives clear, straight site lines for observation of inmates in cells and program areas at all times. The overall capacity will be 30 beds. The flexible jail system will allow the best use of this number of beds to accommodate the various classifications of inmates.
Sheriff John DeGeorge said the flexibility of the system is really important because it will be a small jail, noting “Flexibility will allow us to get the most out of the 30 beds, the most bang for our buck. It will be something that should work for Fillmore County long after we are all gone.”
Pittner noted the cell area and specifications meet Department of Corrections requirements. He reviewed the proposed layout of the new addition and the remodel of the existing building in detail. The layout of the jail site plan will allow for future expansion, if needed.
Jail Administrator Jamie Fenske explained that even in the new facility, the holding of juveniles will still be limited to about 24 hours.
Schwartzman reviewed the proposed schedule. The schematic design phase will begin immediately and run through most of July. There will be a development phase, construction document phase, bidding and awarding phase, and finally a construction phase which could begin when the frost comes out next spring. Construction will likely take 16-18 months.
At this point, BKV Group has preliminary construction cost (including new construction and remodeling) estimates to be between $6.9 million and $7.7 million. In order to allow for a 10% contingency, estimated cost is actually between $7.6 million and $8.5 million. Schwartzman said the goal will be to use as little of the contingency as possible. The new addition is to be built first so the inmates can be moved into the new addition before the remodel of the existing building.
“Soft costs” which include a variety of costs not included under the construction estimates could add up to $1.5 million. Soft costs will include, but are not limited to, architectural and engineering fees, surveys, appliances, A/V systems, furniture, and other state review fees. County Administrator Bobbie Hillery said much of the equipment already purchased will be usable in the new facility.
BKV Group will assist in the selection of a construction manager to assist with the project. Four construction management companies have contacted the county about the project.
The board authorized BKV Group to move forward with the next phase of project development, the schematic design phase. The next update for the board will be in early August.
Other business in brief
•Tim Penny, president and CEO of the Southern Minnesota Initiative Foundation (SMIF) thanked the board for their past financial support. SMIF serves a 20-county region and has been in existence for 35 years. It centers on three program areas, including Early Childhood Development, Economic Development, and Community Vitality. There is a need for more childcare availability; childcare providers are not keeping pace with the need. Small businesses need financial support more than ever; SMIF has helped in the creation of dozens of new businesses in the region. SMIF has supported community projects and community foundations through its Small-Town Grant Program.
•The new Electric Document Management System (EDMS) contract between Next Chapter Technology (NCT) Caseworks and Fillmore County Social Services was approved. Kevin Olson said all counties in this area are now using this system.
•Drew Hatzenbihler, Solid Waste, discussed the 10-year Solid Waste Management Plan during its second reading. The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency has reviewed the document and made minor changes. The next step is the public comment period. After addressing any public concerns, the document will be brought back to the board for adoption.
•The board approved a resolution granting Dairyland Power Cooperative a conditional use permit for an electrical substation in section 14 of Beaver Township. The application was recommended for approval by the Planning Commission after a public hearing yielding no public objection. This substation is connected to the proposed Fillmore County Solar Project in Beaver Township.
•A LEXIS/NEXIS Legal Research Contract was approved for three years, costing $252 per month. Approval was given of an agreement for access to the Criminal Justice Data Communications Network (CJDN). State of Minnesota Joint Powers Agreements on behalf of the Bureau of Criminal Apprehension were approved with Fillmore County on behalf of the County Attorney and Sheriff.
•A resolution was adopted for Snowmobile Club Sponsorship for Tri-County Trailblazers, Mabel-Canton Trail Busters, Hiawatha I & II and Bluff Valley Riders.
•Approval was given to purchase a new Greenworks 82-volt 25-inch deck self-propelled lawn mower with two batteries and a battery charger from
Run Right Power Equipment at a total cost of $1,379.96, to replace a failed mower purchased over 20 years ago.
•Approval was given for out of state travel for Josh Lensing, engineering technician, and County Engineer Ron Gregg to Sylva, N. C. to attend a Federal Highway Administration Program from June 27-29. The approval for both is contingent on a scholarship program covering lodging, meals, and flights for both.
•The retirement of Eugene Johnson, jailer, effective September 30 was approved with thanks for nearly 20 years of service. Advertisement for a replacement full-time jailer was approved.
•Carter Hovland was hired as a summer helper at the Resource Recovery Center, effective June 10.
•Wade Anderson was hired as a part-time deputy, effective June 10.
•Adam Sveen was hired as a Highway Maintenance Specialist, effective June 27.
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